Dear Blob,
The Ukulady's UkuMommy has come to visit! UkuMom grew up in Mar Vista in the 1940's when the Red Cars trolleyed down Venice Blvd and most of Mar Vista was farmhouses. She remembers her farmer neighbor who would grill sausage and Sunday meats for the entire neighborhood; his farm is now several ugly 1970's apartment buildings.
The concrete sprawl of Mar Vista was wetlands, forest, creeks and orchards and parents felt safe enough to send their kids on the bus to the Santa Monica Beach. My mom and her brother never went to Venice though, a mile south of Santa Monica. Perhaps because in the olden days Venice was a sin-hive, swarming with rum-runners, low-life, street-walkers and other unsavory characters who might land from the sea.
UkuMom and I thrifted in Culver City, braving the cracked-out & agonizingly-slow clerks at Goodwill, strolled the Venice Canals, where I, sticky-fingered several interesting succulent specimens for my succulent garden. Succulents will re-root, after being nipped or snapped off and multiply, needing almost no care. The perfect plant pet: low-maintenance Dr.Seussian spaceshippy plants!
Our evening was spent in the Marshmallow's (UkuHouse) garden-eatery with UkuMom's magical lady friends, Di the British Director from London (Gary Oldman was once her lover!) & Props Mary the Healer (she works in props and is a shaman healer!), along with Evil Strawberry Sandwich, aka, Jessica of Jessaly, and Sailor Aleks, our neighbor. I prepared handmade cornmeal-crust fresh-pesto-pizza with fancy mushrooms purchased on sale at the local Japanese supermarket. Jessica brought a candy salad, full of blueberries, strawberries, candied pecans & greens. It was a tasty & magical Special Occasion event.
In other news, UkuMom wants a Segway. The Segway is a topic of constant mockery in the UkuMarshmallow House, thanks to Gob Bluth of Arrested Development. However, after UkuMom expressed her desire for the ridiculous vehicle, I see the light! The Segway, is the Perfect mode of transport for Folks-Getting-Older! It's not as shameful as the fat-scooter and doesn't have the stigma of the wheelchair; The Segway should be The Vehicle for Seniors! I'd like to champion this along with the Downfall of Evil!
Love The Ukulady
ps: In other news, UkuMom pointed out that The Ocean is Natural Valium. Always listen to your mommy.
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