Dear Blob,
The Free Thrill of LA's now-seeming Cool Breeze is incredible! Yesterday I wore a sweatshirt, zipped through US customs with no searches or issues and invented Kissercise. Kissercise is an ab-workout mixed with smooching (the workout-ee does ab.crunches to meet the pucker of the Kissercise partner).
Thessica's journey was shockingly quick and easy, like a fast-teen getting his first bootycall, but unlike the teen's virginity-loss, it was the Best Airport Experience I've ever had, even though every traveler's bags are hand-searched, another similarity to the teens. HB Larry drove us to the airport and we said Adios, Mexico!
Interestingly, Manzanillo's airport has no checked-luggage x-ray machines, but each bag is human-checked by overly-serious workers, amusingly, keeping absolute professionalism and straight faces as they unpack and re-pack satchels of plastic blow-up toys, liquor & swimsuits. Thessica wondered what the most interesting things they'd found are; I said dead bodies; Jessica thought fetish gear.
I was mildly concerned about the few prescription meds I was traveling with. US law says the traveler needs a prescription from a US doctor, which is ridiculous, considering many travelers live in Mexico and have Mexican doctors. I purchased a blood-pressure med for Ukulad's mom; she pays $80 a month; I paid $1.50, which brought about seething disgust and anger at America's broken healthcare system. Jessaly had no problems with our various meds mingling with googly-eyed puppets and 25 pounds of Mexican floral 'n' fruited vinyl; US customs merely asked me why I was in Mexico and if I had fun.
The weekly Manzanillo-LAX flight erupted into applause upon our landing, not because we had a rough flight, but I assume because folks were so happy to be in LA. It was interesting emerging into the International Terminal, being surrounded by It's a Small World in real life. I realized the melting potness of America, which is the culture of urban America, is the cause It's-Challenging-Understanding-Humans, a nice way to say Racism.
In Mexico, surrounded by mostly all Mexicans, I began to grasp an understanding of Mexicans and their culture and vaguely know what to expect; Mexican Time is real and everyone-but-our-fumigator is on it, Mexican Drivers are extraordinarily bad, either driving ridiculously slow or frighteningly fast, Family is Numero Uno and if you are in a relationship with a Mexican, you are in a relationship with 25 other people as well (Meep! to HB Larry!).
In urban America, particularly LA, every culture in the world is here and humans feel frightened and resentful of those we don't understand, leading to deep xenophobia, racism and isolation of and from one's neighbors. When I say Hi to peeps on the LA streets, they are shocked and rarely say Hi in return. The community of the Barra de Navidad's Barrio will be missed.
It's understandable to want to party with Peeps-You-Understand, but too often in American cities, fear drives human's car-bodies and leads to sense of non-community and non-unity, the biggest problems of LA.
In other news, it's always fab to Return Home!
Love The Ukulady
ps: LAX's International Terminal hosts a medley of Fashion No's, including White-Jeans-With-No-Panties, Daisy Duke jean-shorts with stupid-knitted-cap over perfectly-coiffed model-hair 'n' fur boots & fat-pouch-pants.
pps: Nice to brush my teeth with water from the tap! Nice to not worry about never-before-seen creatures noodling in my space! Nice to not be consta-hot! Meepmazing to wear long sleeves!
ppps: I was confused what to wear last night; I was compelled to wear my swimsuit as I haven't worn much else all week, but it was Cold! Free Thrills!