Dear Blob,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the Best Dad in the World, Mister Michael Lerner, formerly of Brooklym, NY, Mill Valley, CA & currently of Petaluma, CA!
Jessica and I have been creating a lot of music at Casa Azul (it's our Mexican Yaddo) and when I was a kid he used to play the guitar and sing this gorgeous song a lot. We made this for him; Congrats on making it to 65 & getting Social Security!
Tonight we, for our Going-Away Party, we are playing a Beatles cover set at Bar ReyMomo! Hope to see you readers there! 8:30pm.
Love The Ukulady
ps: We are currently all dressed up with nowhere to go; 8am in swimsuits 'n' sunscreen. This morning Fernando was going to take us to Tenacatita, the famed snorkling reef-beach, which evil developers have taken control of, to the dismay of every citizen of Mexico's Pacific Coast. It's still snorkle-able, but no cameras or phones; snacks are the only thing allowed in the gates.
We dragged our late-night meeps out of bed at 8am, I got us hopped up on coffee and Fernando called to say, "Girl, it's going to storm!" but he didn't say girl; that's the sassy black lady in my head.
pps: It's been shockingly rain-free for 10 days and the dark clouds are a welcome respite to the withering afternoon heat.
ppps: Sadly, my mini-Flip video camera has been sacrificed to the Mexican Gods, lost in Melaque, chock-full of footage for a Mexico video; sad meep. Stay tuned for the alternative....
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