Dear Blob,
The thing about the tropics is the weird, unexpected things continue to happen after one's seeming-quota-of-weirdness has been filled.
Yesterday I embarked on a shrimp-cleaning activity of shrimp I'd purchased from a Shrimp-Truck. It's nice to have fresh groceries delivered to your door throughout the day. Any cook's wondering of "Hmmm, what to have for dinner tonight?" is answered by whoever comes by: papayas, shrimp, tortillas, flan...
The shrimp needed a full-service cleaning, heads, eyeballs, shells, legs & de-veining. I began the task, intrigued by Work vs. Payoff. 2 shrimp in, I abandoned the high-maintenance sea-snack in favor of easy fish. Then the weirdness; my pointer-finger swelled up like a sausage-pouch and felt reminiscent of a bee-sting.
I've never been allergic to shrimp, although my toxin-sensitive body often decides to become allergic to things all-of-the-sudden; such as when I was enjoying a Fuji apple, driving the LA freeway, when my throat closed up and since then, I've been sadly allergic to all uncooked apples. I attribute many adult-onset allergies to the toxic-waste dumping grounds of LA living.
Shrimp-Finger lasted over 10 hours and this morning, while the swelling has gone down, is still sore. I blame Shrimp Brains, as I've cleaned shrimp before, but not the heads. Shrimp Brain is a good name for a punk-band.
Jessica likened our adventures to a Survivor-like Reality Show, where we have to stay on to get the sack of cash; both of us on the verge of leaving the day before you get the payoff. Her manpanion reminded us there is no sack of cash at the end; simply a lot of good stories, a vast amount of newly-absorbed knowledge and a new body of musical work.
A week past Ready-to-Go, Thessica is joyously flying home today; excited about returning to our respective manpanions, capitalism and our mutual quest for career success. The Ukulady invited you to stay tuned for the continuing UkuAdventures.... In particular, don't miss the upcoming Video for Mexico Enthusiasts! Coming in the next day or so....
Our final days we enjoyed churros many times, caught a few sunsets, ate a final handmade tortilla at Taqueria Ramos & got to hang out with the Brilliant and Wonderful Buster.
For all future housesitters in Mexico, please remember that housesitting is work, paying to housesit in the Hot Season was not my smartest move and Mexico is not for Sissies.
Love The Ukulady
ps: Our Beatles night at Bar ReyMomo was much fun and a Meep Shout-Out to all the wonderful Barra De Navidadians who made us feel so welcome and meepy! We appreciate all of you and enjoyed our adventures immensely.
pps: There is a Giant Cockroach Die-Off going on right now. The porch is littered with over half a dozen crunchy corpses and dying ones keep straggling across the floors inside, expiring on their way to wherever cockroaches are headed.
ppps: When I say Giant Cockroach Die-Off, I mean Giant Cockroaches as well as an Extensive Die-Off.
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